“Bearing can have an infinite life when particles larger than lubricant film are removed” -SKF
Lubricating oil fill into contact with all machinery components so that the condition of oil significantly affects the performance of mechanical system. It is important to monitor the amount of solid particles in oil which cause the majority of failure in oil system. The most damaged size of particle is similar to the dynamic clearance of moving components(Bigger than oil film thickness).
The ISO cleanliness code is used to quantify particle contaminants level per milliliter of oil as size 4μm [c], 6μm [c], 14μm [c]. The ISO code expresses in 3 numbers, for example 18/16/13. Each number represents a contamination level code for the relative particle sizes. It is important note that an increase in on code is generally a doubling of the contamination level.
Model | Particle | Super-fine particle | Water sensitivity |
WJYJ | √ | ||
WJL | √ | √ | |
WJD | √ | √ | √ |